Experimental Music for Ensembles, Drums & Electronics (2019)
like a ragged flock (2015)
Ellen Waterman - flutes/voice
James Harley - computer
Neue Bilder
Music of James Harley
New Music Concerts / Robert Aitken
Brigitte Poulin: Édifices naturels (Montreal: Dame Records CQB 0805, 2008). Includes Édifices (naturels) (2000) for solo piano.
Player Piano Project (Los Angeles: Vera Ikon Productions, 2008). Includes pLayer8 (2007) for player piano.
Transit New Music Festival: World Premieres 2006 (Leuven, Belgium: Klara 07.01, 2007). Includes Troi (2006) for violin, cello, and piano.
Computer Music Journal Sound Anthology Volume 26 (Cambridgea; MIT Press, 2002). Includes Per Formanen Acus Transire (1987) for electroacoustic sounds.
Arraymusic 25 Miniatures (Toronto: Artifact Music ART 025, 2001). Includes Can(y)on (1997) for 7 instruments.
Kappa: bien serré (Montreal, Kappa 002, 2000). Includes bien serré (1998) for large jazz ensemble.
Marc Couroux: Quatre visions bifurquées de la dernière frontière nord-américaine (Montreal: ATMA Classique ACD 22180, 2000). Includes flung loose into the stars (1995) for solo piano.
GEMS: Vox Machina (Montreal: McGill Music ISBN 7717-0537-9, 1999). Includes Night-flowering...not even sand - II (1990) for electroacoustic sounds.
Kappa (Montreal, Kappa 001, 1998). Includes Sabbath (1981) for large jazz ensemble.
Musicworks 69 (Toronto: Musicworks, 1997). Includes flung loose into the stars (1995) for solo piano (performed by Marc Couroux).
Presence: A compilation of electroacoustic works (Motnreal, PeP 001, 1997). Includes Voyage (1986) for electroacoustic sounds.
Roads to Chaos (Toronto: Soundprints SP9603, 1996). Includes Song for Nobody (1990) for solo clarinet (performed by Robert Stevenson).